Intergalactic Mushroom Sculptures Name and description will be coming soon! Roseus Bracchiatus Image 1 of 4 2" X 6" X 11" $165 Pertusum Mycarborus Image 1 of 3 6" X 7" X 12" $145 Exspiravit Flammus Image 1 of 4 6" X 7" X 9" $145 Teaching Model Image 1 of 4 5" X 7" X 10" $145 Aranea Subaquaneam Image 1 of 4 7" X 7" X 11" $165 Holoserica Duosono Image 1 of 4 2" X 7" X 11" $200 Mycopolini Bulbuloculi Image 3 of 4 3" X 7" X 7" $145 m21a Image 1 of 4 Insert Name Description